Thursday 5 March 2015

Axhilirit – a ‘cure-it-all’ scar prevention

Axhilirit – a ‘cure-it-all’ scar prevention

Sometimes you just stand in awe at the tales that are told, the songs of heroism that are sung to the little bottle with the white label that is becoming folklore as of old . . .
In ancient times, hundreds of years ago, the original recipe that makes up Axhilirit was used by my forebears. These are some of the modern stories of wonder and endurance:
Campus: Inexpensive and long-lasting, Stellenbosch University students call it their ‘cure-it-all’, using it on fever blisters, infected acne and every other sort of skin blemish.
Office: a tiny dab to paper-cuts and it is healed within one or two applications.
Home: for any eventuality, the Axhilirit range takes care of minor injuries. Cuts, bumps and bruises are soothed with minimal recovery time.
Feel good feedback: A cleaner that could not take time off from work to go to the local clinic was assisted by a co-worker who applied Axhilirit to the swelling on her hand twice a day for two days. The unexplained swelling spontaneously subsided and the lady could continue with her work without discomfort or losing a day’s work.
Kitchen: as long as a bottle of Axhilirit is available, minor scalds and burns are seen to immediately, without complications or the further need for treatment. Some scalds, like splatters, do not react in the ‘normal fashion’ when treated with Axhilirit, the unfortunate victims stating the unbelievable that there were no red marks, no blisters or any evidence of the burn. I have many chef friends who work at restaurants and they always have Axhilirit on hand for little mishaps, and sometimes even huge ones.
Teachers: for any small sores, cuts, scrapes, falls, bruises, sinus problems, a dab of Axhilirit makes it go away, the children trusting the little bottle with the white label when something goes wrong. Inexpensive, my friends who are teachers carry it in their handbags at all times.
Soccer, rugby and hockey field:  first line treatment of minor injuries, the Axhilirit products have been raved over. As there is no banned substance in Axhilirit, it is applied and back to the field within minutes after knocks and bruises. Cuts and scrapes are dabbed and heals within a few days.
Endurance and extreme sports: Axhilirit saves the day, be it blistering on feet when hiking, chapped lips in the Himalayas, falls while mountain biking, third degree burns on camping trips or chaffed skin while horse back riding.
The little bottle with the white label has travelled all around the world, representing us on every continent and major island, has done service in kitchens on Cruise Liners, been to the top of Kilimanjaro with a beauty queen, galloped over the plains of Mongolia with horse riders, accompanied adventurers through the jungles of South America on fishing and hunting trips, and it has even seen the humble adobe of Bishop Desmond Tutu (he won it as a prize at a health shop in Cape Town).
So thank you, little bottle of Axhilirit, for making life just that bit easier for many ordinary, as well as extraordinary people.
Axhilirit is also available in an ointment, a moisturising oil and -cream for eczema prone skin.
When starting with Axhilirit immediately after breaking skin, in most regards the skin closes without leaving a scar.

To see more stories about Axhilirit and Rejuvinit visit

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