Tuesday, 29 August 2017

#RejuvinitBeauty Gratitude

Rejuvinit Beauty Gratitude

"Life comes and life goes, and somewhere along the line we changed someone's life, made it just a bit better!"

It is the second time this year that we were informed of the passing of one of our aged clients. Family members did not need to inform us, yet it was deemed important enough. One of our clients had our business card in her 'death box' for people who needed to be told.

This is such a humbling experience, thank you to all those who constantly remind us that we are making a difference in people's lives.

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Rejuvinit GOLD - Fanatically loyal clients

Rejuvinit GOLD - Fanatically loyal clients

I overheard a conversation between a Rejuvinit client and someone who prefers chemically based cosmetics. I quote:

Friend: "Who wants to use products made from prehistoric plants?"

Rejuvinit Gold Fanatic: "Only the discerning who values themselves more than media hyped products can appreciate my Rejuvinit Gold!"

To stop further argument, I went over to say hi and introduce myself as the originator of my client's beloved Rejuvinit Gold. It turned into a delightful conversation where I had to relate my survival story and how Healing Oil Products altered my life, from negating third degree burn scarring and eczema, right through to turning back the time twenty years.

For more information on our products and to purchase visit www.healing-oil.co.za // www.rejuvinit.com